I have some big change-ups in the works for my illustration.
After lots of play and several critiques that nudged me this direction, I'm working on overhauling EVERYTHING.
It's been super fun, even if a little scary. That's the way adventures work I suppose.
Anyway, I look forward to also overhauling my website and this little blog. But that will be awhile yet. Meanwhile...
Since my last post —oh so many months ago —I've come to the conclusion that it's really working better for me not to be as engaged with the Lady Internet as I work. But I have a new idea to be engaged and not engaged at the same time.
I'll try to just post more snapshots of my drawings and works-in-progress now and then without taking too much time to write or explain and thereby distracting myself from the important work at hand. I've always been kind of reserved at showing all my sketches. But over the last few years I've taken to drawing a lot. Reams of paper filled in a week or two sometimes. Might as well share more liberally, even if they are rough and it makes me feel vulnerable to do so.
Cheers to a good kind of risk! I hope you are busy finding your own good kind of risk too.